The Aids and Adaptations Team
This team is made up of Occupational Therapists, Assessment and Review Officers and Surveyors.
Occupational Therapy
Occupational Therapists assess people with complex needs to establish how their health or disability issues affect their ability to manage everyday tasks. The team provide statutory complex assessments for aids and major adaptations.
In order to ensure the best outcome for citizens, they also work with other social care and health professionals and refer to various other teams and agencies as appropriate. For example, Rehabilitation, Community Therapy, Housing and Social Care and Reablement teams.
They prescribe items of equipment to aid daily living and more specialised equipment such as shower/toileting chairs. They recommend minor adaptations such as grab rails and banister rails, and major adaptations such as special shower rooms, door widening, ramps and stair lifts.
They work closely with the specialist equipment Surveyor Team to design major adaptations such as special shower rooms, door widening, ramps and stair lifts.
They also recommend and support applications for re-housing if appropriate.
The service is available to anyone whose disability is affecting their life at home.
Assessment and Review Officers
Assessment and Review Officers are qualified trusted assessors who provide a screening service and complete assessments for people who have less complex needs. This ensures a prompt service to address identified risks and maintain/improve people's independence in their own homes.
The team provide statutory assessment for aids and adaptations, financial and legal assessment for grant aid, key worker support throughout complex processes and assessment for minor works grant aid.
They provide financial and legal support for people who are unable to meet their contribution, liaising with relevant organisations to help secure charitable donations. They also signpost to relevant agencies such as Care Network, Housing Needs and benefit support officers when appropriate.
They liaise with service users throughout the process, providing updates and support until the repair work or major adaptation work has been completed.
For further information on available equipment, please visit our equipment to help you page
The Surveyors provide technical assessment and joint assessments with Occupational Therapy. They also design and produce 'specialist' schedules of works for adaptations and manage and monitor contractors. The service is available to people with a disability and older people.
The Independent Living Service - specialist services
The specialist services consist of the moving and handling team, the telecare team and the sensory impairment team.
Moving and handling team
The Moving and Handling team support safe practice for formal and informal carers by assessing the handling needs of service users who reside in a community setting, and who may have difficulty with standing and transferring safely, reducing care needs and supporting the provision of care in the community.
The moving and handling service support Adult Social Work teams to determine accurate commissioning hours when a complex handling need has been identified.
They jointly assess with nursing staff, physiotherapy, Social Workers and Occupational Therapists, people in a hospital setting who require discharge with community equipment and people who may have complex and challenging behaviours. Working with individuals who have identified learning and physical disability, dementia and Alzheimer's, or are elderly, frail and palliative.
They also support transitions from children's services to adult social care.
Additional services
People can request minor adaptations such as grab rails and second bannister rails directly through our Customer Liaison team (CLO).
You can contact them by calling 01254 587 547 without the need for a professional assessment.