The Sensory Impairment Team has specialist knowledge and skills to meet the needs of people with sensory loss. They assess people with a visual impairment, hearing impairment or a dual sensory loss. The team provides statutory assessment, rehabilitation, equipment and training.
We can also put your name on the sensory impairment register. However, you do not have to be on the register to get services from us. The service is for people who experience problems with everyday activities due to significant sight or hearing loss.
The Visual Impairment Rehabilitation Officers provide rehabilitation training in mobility to help people cross the road safely.
They also promote independent living skills such as making hot drinks and cooking a meal safely, along with communication skills such as using a keyboard or Braille, and environmental advice, risk assessment and providing specialist equipment.
The team work closely with other teams, including the Surveyor team, to ensure that sensory loss is given appropriate consideration in the design of major adaptations.