Building control applications

How to apply for building control

If you need approval for the proposed work, you need to submit the right application form.

Full plans

A full plans application is for commercial, industrial or larger domestic projects, where plans are drawn up.

Building notice

A building notice is for small scale domestic work.


A regularisation certificate is used where work has already been carried out without building regulations consent and permission now needs to be sought. 

Demolition notice

A demolition notice needs to be submitted if you intend to demolish a whole or part of a building.

Reversion application

Please email your completed application form to

Online applications

If you register for an account with submit-a-plan, you can apply online for these applications:

If you have any difficulty completing these forms, contact Resolution's helpline on or by telephoning 01242 260505.


A fee is required as part of your building regulations application. The fee is determined on the type of work you propose to carry out.

Look at the current Building control: Scale of charges to see which fee you need to pay.

Payment can be made by credit or debit card by calling 01254 778901 between 8:30am to 5pm Monday to Friday.

Privacy notice

For information about how we process your personal information, you can read our Building Control Privacy Notice.