We have launched our Home to School Transport Consultation, inviting residents to share their views on proposed changes to the Local Authority school bus services.
What is the consultation about?
We currently provide a number of home to school designated School Services which are used by children living in the Borough to travel to schools in the Bolton area. Due to changes over several years, the concern is that some of those services are operating outside of the current policy. We need to make arrangements to make sure that all our services are in line with current arrangements and policy.
We are proposing to review these services and transport arrangements, and change services as appropriate. We need to make sure we are only running appropriate services, whilst still fulfilling our statutory home to school transport duties for all eligible pupils.
The Home to School Transport Policy sets out our approach to providing transport to schools and educational settings for students up to 19 years old, and up to 25 years old for students with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND).
When can I have my say?
Between Monday 6 March 2023 and Friday 19 May 2023, people in the South of the borough will be able to provide their views.
The consultation is open to anyone who wishes to share their views.
Please give us your comments before 5pm on Friday 19 May 2023.
When will any changes start?
Any changes will start from September 2028. No changes will be made to pupils using the services currently.
What happens after the consultation has finished?
We will consider all the feedback we receive before we make a decision. The decision will be made by the Executive Board in June 2023.
Once the decision has been made, we will publish the information. We will update this page with the outcome of the consultation.
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