Empty property charges and advice

Information and guidance about discounts and charges for unoccupied properties

Empty and unfurnished properties

As of 1 April 2023, unoccupied and substantially unfurnished properties are entitled to a 100% discount for up to 30 days. Before 1 April 2023 this was a 100% discount for up to 2 months.

This discount is awarded to the property, and it does not automatically re-start if the person liable for Council Tax changes. The discount is granted from the date that the property first became unoccupied and unfurnished, which may not be the same as the date you became liable.

Request an empty property discount

If the property remains unoccupied and substantially unfurnished after the maximum 30 days 100% discount has expired, the full Council Tax charge becomes payable. 

Bought or sold an empty property

If you have moved out of a property and it will remain empty, you can notify us of your change of address and we will automatically apply the relevant discount.