Information on current threat levels Information on current threat levels or likelihood of an attack. Safeguarding against radicalisation and help on counter terrorism Information on radicalisation and how to help someone close to you. CONTEST strategy and Lancashire Prevent contacts Aims and priorities of the CONTEST strategy. Information and guidance on how to report concerns and get advice. Illegal or harmful information found online Identifying illegal or harmful content online and how to report it. Firearms or weapons attack Information and guidance on what to do if there is a firearms or weapons attack. Citizen Aid Counter terrorism In The Know In The Know is a messaging system from Lancashire Police to keep you updated. National Counter Terrorism Security Office (NaCTSO) Information on the National Counter Terrorism Security Office
Information on current threat levels Information on current threat levels or likelihood of an attack.
Safeguarding against radicalisation and help on counter terrorism Information on radicalisation and how to help someone close to you.
CONTEST strategy and Lancashire Prevent contacts Aims and priorities of the CONTEST strategy. Information and guidance on how to report concerns and get advice.
Illegal or harmful information found online Identifying illegal or harmful content online and how to report it.
Firearms or weapons attack Information and guidance on what to do if there is a firearms or weapons attack.
Counter terrorism In The Know In The Know is a messaging system from Lancashire Police to keep you updated.
National Counter Terrorism Security Office (NaCTSO) Information on the National Counter Terrorism Security Office