Our Customer Panel Community

Join our Customer Panel Community and help us to improve our services

Would you like to help us improve our services?

We are committed to carrying out user research to better understand your needs. All you need is a willingness to give your opinions. Your input will help improve the user experience of the services we provide. No special skills are required.

As a panel member you will have the opportunity to take part in online surveys, one-to-one interviews, web usability tests and discussion groups.

How to get involved

If you want to join the Customer Panel Community, just sign up online:

Customer panel sign up

Our digital blog

You can keep up to date with how your input is helping us to improve services by reading our Digital Blog.

Data privacy

As part of our user research, we may ask for some personal information. This will be held by the Digital Team. 

Any data is used only for the purpose of testing and improving the website or services. 

We will hold your personal details securely. 

You can opt out of the customer panel, and we will remove your details from our systems.

View our privacy policy for further information.