
Information on population, health and educational attainment.

People outcome measures

Corporate Plan 2019-2023 State of the Borough Outcome Measures

Our People

A good quality of life for all our residents

Contains public sector information licensed under the Open Government Licence v3.0

Male life expectancy at birth 76.9 years

Within the borough male life expectancy at birth is lower than that of the Lancashire, North West and English averages. In 2016-18, the borough had the 11th equal lowest life expectancy for males out of 315 lower-tier authorities

Female life expectancy at birth 80.3 years

Within the borough female life expectancy at birth is lower than that of the Lancashire, North West and English averages. In 2016-18, the borough had the 11th equal lowest life expectancy for females, out of 315 lower-tier authorities

Number of rough sleepers 21

The latest reporting period outlines that there are 21 confirmed rough sleepers within the borough, an increase on the previous year, of 15.

Households prevented from becoming homeless 814

During 2019/2020, of the 1,155 households where the prevention duties of the council ended, 70.5% (814) had secured accommodation, greater than the England average of 58.5%.

Care homes rated good or better by the CQC. 68.6%

Within its latest reporting the Care Quality Commission (CQC) outlined that of the 35 care homes within the borough 24 of them received an overall rating of good or better. Further to this, the CQC rated no local care home inadequate overall.

Number of Lancashire Volunteer Partnership volunteers in BwD 1,706

Lancashire Volunteer Partnership reports that majority of the Borough's volunteers support the work of environmental services.

Five-year-olds - extractions due to tooth decay 5.3%

A 2019 survey of five-year-olds found that 5.3% of children had one or more teeth extracted due to dental decay. The 8th highest of the 272 participating local authorities.

Child road casualties 24

The Department for Transport reports that in 2019 24 children were killed or seriously injured (KSI) as a result of road casualties within the borough. Sadly, this is an increase on the 2018 figure of 14. The Lancashire CC area has also experienced an increase during this period from 64 to 98.

School Performance Progress 8

The borough is home to the best State School in the country (Tauheedul Islam Girls' High School), as measured on the Progress 8 score which is consistently well above the national average. Overall three of the state funded secondary schools in the borough achieve progress 8 scores well above average, five at the national average and three below (two of which come within the Darwen area).

Average Attainment 8 score 46.4

Between the 2017/18 and 2018/19 academic years, the borough saw an increase in its average attainment 8, from 45.8 to 46.4. The borough continues to outperform the North West average (45.5) and is on a par with the England average (46.8).

Average Progress 8 score 0.13

The borough maintains a positive average progress 8 score, indicating that children that are of the same level at the end of Primary school achieve a better outcome by the end of secondary school. The borough outperforms the regional average (-0.18) and has the highest score of the North West authorities.

State funded primary schools Ofsted ratings 87%

87% of the borough's state funded primary schools are rated good or outstanding by Ofsted.

State funded secondary schools Ofsted ratings 83%

83% of the borough state funded secondary schools (10) are rated good or better by Ofsted. Above the English average of 76%.

Children attending a good or better primary school 89%

State funded primary schools.

Children attending a good or better secondary school 86%

State funded secondary schools.

Residents with NVQ level 4 and above qualifications 29.9%

Current figures outline that within BwD, 29.9% of residents (aged 16-64) have a NVQ level 4 and above qualification. Compared to regional (36.1%) and English averages (40.0%) the borough performs poorly, However, the number of residents achieving this level of qualification has increased at a rate on a par with English and above regional levels, since 2013.

Residents with no formal qualifications 11.1%

Current figures outline that within BwD, 11.1% of residents (aged 16-64) have no formal qualification.

Compared to regional (8.7%) and English averages (7.5%) the borough performs poorly, However the borough has seen the gap close between local levels of residents with no formal qualifications and levels seen regionally and nationally in recent years.

Apprenticeship starts 1,370

In 2018/19 there were 1,370 apprenticeship starts, an increase from the 2017/18 figure of 1,240.

The 10.5% increase over this time period in the borough is greater than the English average of 5.0%.

Apprentices employed by BwD BC 21

In the academic year 2019 - 2020 Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council employed 21 new apprentices, this is a decrease on the previous 12 months.

Known NEETS (aged 16 - 17) 2.9%

Current figures indicate that proportionally 2.9 of all 16 and 17-year-olds are known not to be in employment, education or training (NEET). The Department for Education revises this position upwards to 4.1% to include those individuals who are known by the Local Authority, but whose personal circumstances are unknown locally. Compared to regional and national levels the borough performs well when examining known and both known and unknown cases at 2.7% and 5.5% respectively. However, the borough’s performance is a mixed picture when only examining known individuals, with the area being on a par with national figures (2.7%) but below the NW (3.3%).

Average Attainment 8 score for children with identified SEN 9

Compared to regional averages the Borough performs poorly towards Attainment 8 for children with identified special educational needs. (9) This is also true when compared to the English average. (13.7)

Average Progress 8 score for children with identified SEN -1.20

Compared to regional averages the Borough performs poorly towards progress 8 for children with identified special educational needs (-1.20). This is also true when compared to the English average. (-1.17)

Average progress 8 score for disadvantaged children -0.31

Compared to regional averages the Borough performs well towards progress 8 for children from disadvantaged backgrounds (-0.31). This is also true when compared to the English average. (-0.45)

Disadvantaged children achieving the expected standard by KS2 58%

Figures from the Department for Education suggest that the borough exceeds the English average for disadvantaged children meeting the expected standard for reading, writing and maths at Key Stage 2 (51%). The borough has seen a consistent increase in this percentage over time.

Our People Sources

  • Male life expectancy at birth - Office for National Statistics - Health state life expectancy at birth and at age 65 by local areas, UK: 2016 – 2018
  • Female life expectancy at birth - Office for National Statistics - Health state life expectancy at birth and at age 65 by local areas, UK: 2016 – 2018
  • Number of rough sleepers - MHCLG - Live tables on homelessness, Rough sleeping tables (table 1) 2019
  • Households prevented from becoming homeless - MHCLG - Live tables on homelessness, Detailed local authority level tables: Statutory homelessness prevention duty outcomes 2019-2020
  • Care homes rated good or better by the CQC - Care Quality Commission - CQC care directory with ratings: November 2020
  • Five-year-olds extractions due to tooth decay - Public Health England - Oral health survey of five-year-old children 2019
  • Number of LVP volunteers - Local Data - Lancashire Volunteer Partnership August 2020
  • Child road casualties - Department for Transport - Custom Download Tool: 2019
  • School performance - Department for Education - Overall performance at the end of key stage 4 2018/19
  • Average attainment 8 score - Department for Education via L G Inform - Average Attainment 8 score: 2018/2019
  • Average progress 8 score - Department for Education via LG Inform - Average Progress 8 score: 2018/2019
  • State funded primary schools Ofsted ratings - OSTED - Statistics at Ofsted - Compare local authorities (State primary): 2019
  • Children attending a good or better primary school - OfSTED - Statistics at Ofsted - Compare local authorities (State primary): 2019
  • State funded secondary schools Ofsted ratings - OfSTED - Statistics at Ofsted - Compare local authorities (State secondary): 2019
  • Children attending a good or better secondary school - OfSTED - Statistics at Ofsted - Compare local authorities (State secondary): 2019
  • Residents with NVQ 4 level qualifications (16 to 64) - Nomis - Annual Population Survey: Jan - Dec 2019
  • Residents with no formal qualifications (16 to 64) - Nomis - Annual Population Survey: Jan - Dec 2019
  • Apprenticeship starts - Department for Education - Apprenticeships and trainee-ships data - 2018/2019
  • Apprentices employed by Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council - Local Data - Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council Human Resources statistics.
  • NEETs - Department for Education - NEET and participation: local authority figures: 2020 (Average of December 2019, January 2020 and February 2020)
  • Average attainment 8 score for children with identified SEN - Department for Education via LG Inform - Average Attainment 8 score - pupils with a statement of SEN or EHC plan: 2018/2019
  • Average progress 8 score for children with identified SEN - Department for Education via LG Inform - Average Progress 8 score - pupils with a statement of SEN or EHC plan: 2018/2019
  • Average progress 8 score for disadvantaged children - Department for Education via LG Inform - Average Progress 8 score - pupils from disadvantaged backgrounds: 2018/19
  • Disadvantaged children achieving the expected standard by Key Stage 2 - Department for Education via LG Inform - Percentage of pupils reaching the expected standard at the end of key stage 2 in reading, writing and mathematics - pupils from disadvantaged backgrounds: 2018/2019
