If you are a landlord who receives housing benefit payments directly, you can now view your payments and receive information quicker and more securely via our landlord portal The portal is easy to navigate and compatible with all devices.
You can only access this portal if you are a landlord who receives Housing Benefit payments directly from us.
Housing costs paid via Universal Credit cannot be accessed by this portal. You need to access these using the Universal Credit portal through the Department for Work and Pensions.
Our new improved Landlord Portal now lets you view your tenants current and previous award details for housing benefits, discretionary housing payments, as long housing benefit is/has been paid directly to you.
In addition you will be able to see your landlord notification letters on-line. The landlord portal continues to be accessible using the self-serve pc’s at Blackburn Town Hall and either Blackburn or Darwen Library.
To register please email RSL@blackburn.gov.uk who will set you up once you have agreed to the terms and conditions.
If you were registered on the previous Landlord portal
Email RSL@blackburn.gov.uk with your username, 4 digit landlord reference and current email address and we'll send you the details.