Children missing from education

Reporting a child missing from education

Children missing from education are children of compulsory school age:

  • who do not have a school place
  • whose parents have not applied for a school place
  • who are not receiving a suitable education in any other way

Children are not missing from education if they:

  • have a school place but aren’t attending regularly
  • are being educated at home.

Referring a child missing from education

Referrals can be completed by professionals, school staff, local education agency (LEA’s) and the public.

Referrals from a school must include:

  • dates 
  • outcomes of all home visits 
  • all forms of contact - telephone, email and letter contact 
  • actions taken by the school
  • outcomes of discussions with other professionals and agencies known to be involved with the family 

Complete the child missing from education form